Business Name and Logo

Add text your page by clicking on the "text box" icon in the toolbar above. A text box will appear on the page that you can then edit as required.

Add text your page by clicking on the "text box" icon in the toolbar above. A text box will appear on the page that you can then edit as required.

Add text your page by clicking on the "text box" icon in the toolbar above. A text box will appear on the page that you can then edit as required.
Adding images to your website - Add an image to your page by clicking on the "Insert Image" link above. Click the "Browse" button in the upper right hand corner to select an image from your computer. Locate the image you'd like to upload on your computer. Double click with the left mouse button to upload your image. Once the image is uploaded... double click on the image thumbnail to place it on your page. You can then drag and drop the image to any location on the page.